Renderman Resources

With Renderman now being released free for those who wish to dabble in it for non-commercial purposes (see more here), I decided to put up a page with a few links to resources to get you started.

Apologies in advance for this not being the prettiest of pages, I’m just wanting to throw a bunch of links down here quickly that might be useful to folks.

First up you can get help at the official Pixar renderman forums when you sign up to download the software (and forums are always good for getting advice and workarounds).

You can find some videos on the software on this youtube channel.

There are a bunch of tutorials to be found on the renderman site. First up is this list of how to tutorials. The RIS101 videos can be found here. More can be found in these archive documents (just click on the side bar on this page for the tutorials on offer for various tasks).

Some older info on the more technical aspects of renderman (including scripting) as well as other cg links can be found on the Malcolm Kesson’s fundza site.

Rendermania has a few links to tutorials as well (again a lot are old but might be worth a look)