Blackmagic Fusion – Learning Resources

Since it is now free, I thought I might as well put some Fusion links on a page as a jump off for learning this software. I’ll start with tutorial links at the top and links to forums and other sites at the bottom.

Video Tutorials

First up is the official Blackmagic Introductory Videos which can be found on this page (click the photo):


Next are the older Eyeon Software (the original developers who wold to Blackmagic in 2014) Fusion videos. Sure these are for older versions but still some tips to be gleaned in there. Click on logo below to go there.



Here is a good video on workflow between Mocha and Fusion.

Here is a quick tutorial on primatte keying in Fusion

VFX Hiuku has done quite a few Fusion tutorials (again for an older version of Fusion), but I wanted to link to 3 of his videos in particular. The first is a general rundown of a keyed shot he did as it runs through the process of a typical shot and how you’d approach it in Fusion. The second and third video are more for After Effects users looking at jumping to fusion as it compares the two, showing you how you load footage into both, various common tasks, then how you render out at the end. Check them out below.





Forums and other sites

Forums are great places to go to ask questions about problems you are having using software. First up we have Blackmagic Designs official Fusion forum (click logo below)


Steakunderwater is a great Fusion community and probably an even better bet for getting help/info than the Blackmagic forum. Check it out below (click image):


Another great Fusion community (an older one than the two above) is Pigsfly, ..check it out below (click image):



VFXpedia was a Fusion based vfx information site that was run by Eyeon but went offline after Blackmagic bought them. Users are hoping it will come online again under Blackmagic but until then you can go to the below link (image) which leads to archives of the whole site which you can search for info on.


Stephan Ihringers blog has a lot of entries on Fusion, with tips, tricks and tutorials (click on image below)
