This is a video from E-Asylum, that has Nick Uhas headed out to Weta Digital in to experience the role of an ape with the mocap team and then have a chat with Weta Digital’s Senior Visual Effects Supervisor, Joe Letteri and actor Andy Serkis as he talks about taking on the role of Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Apr 6 2014
Weta Digital Motion Capture on “Rise of the Planet of the Apes”
This is a video from E-Asylum, that has Nick Uhas headed out to Weta Digital in to experience the role of an ape with the mocap team and then have a chat with Weta Digital’s Senior Visual Effects Supervisor, Joe Letteri and actor Andy Serkis as he talks about taking on the role of Caesar in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
By admin • Behind the Scenes, Inspirational, New Zealand Specific, Videos • • Tags: apes, behind the scenes, making of, mocap, motion capture, weta