This is a great little freebie that allows you to set up template file structures for jobs (including a starting project for whatever software you use), then generate shots in bulk using that template.
With the emergence of the free exr-io plugin for Photoshop, the long standing leading exr solution for Photoshop, ProEXR, has also become a free download. More
In 2012 Google acquired the Nik collection of Photoshop/Lightroom plugins to use the tech in their own photos app & also get their mobile photo editing app,Snapseed. This once $500 collection of photo editing plugins is now being offered for free by Google so check them out. More
Apr 12 2017
Post Haste the free file structure organiser
This is a great little freebie that allows you to set up template file structures for jobs (including a starting project for whatever software you use), then generate shots in bulk using that template.
By admin • After Effects, Flame, Free Software, Fusion, mari, Matte Painting, Nuke, Photoshop • • Tags: file, organize, template