Apr 6 2014
The Foundry’s After Effects To Nuke Training Series (2013)
The “step up to nuke” videos were a series The Foundry put together in 2013 to help After Effects users get used to the Nuke way of working. The jump from a layered based comper to a node based one can be quite a shock to the system (as can going from nodal to layer), so it was great they made this series. More
Apr 6 2014
Migrating from After Effects to Nuke
Mazyar Sharifian from www.cubichead.com has done this nice half hour video outlining the differences between the two compositing applications and why if you might want to transition to Nuke. For more in depth transition, look at the step up to nuke series linked elsewhere here too. Check it out.
By admin • After Effects, Nuke, Tips, Tricks and Tutorials •