This site has all sorts of video tutorials for the low budget or student film maker and is your first stop if you’re in the mood to make some gear for your shoot. They have some great gear projects amongst there videos, including camera slider, shoulder supports, camera jib, lighting projects, dolly, boom pole, follow focus, and steadicam to name a chunk of them. Check out links below to these DIY videos and I have included a link at the bottom of the page (click their logo) to go to their site to see all the tutorials they have on offer (soooo many, it is worth a look).
Apr 4 2014
Film Riot DIY Camera Gear
This site has all sorts of video tutorials for the low budget or student film maker and is your first stop if you’re in the mood to make some gear for your shoot. They have some great gear projects amongst there videos, including camera slider, shoulder supports, camera jib, lighting projects, dolly, boom pole, follow focus, and steadicam to name a chunk of them. Check out links below to these DIY videos and I have included a link at the bottom of the page (click their logo) to go to their site to see all the tutorials they have on offer (soooo many, it is worth a look).
A $10 camera slider
A dual shoulder camera mount
Camera Jib
Light Stand
Shoulder Rig
Boom Pole
Follow Focus for SLR Video
China Ball Light and Dimmer
$30 steadicam
By admin • Build Stuff • • Tags: build, DIY, film riot